понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

building kitchens

So basically i was late again to school, so my boyfriend and I decided that we were just going to skip first period and then go when second period starts, but since we got lazy and we were so tired, we didnapos;t end up going to school at all. So all day we just slept. Until it was time to go pick up audrina from daycare. But yeah, i didnapos;t get in trouble, cause i just make up some random thing, but luckily the school didnt call my house. Ha. But for today my excuse was that audrina didnapos;t have daycare today. But yeah. So today was lazy and like a rest day. But yeah, at least tomorrow is late start, and i dont really have to wake up that early. So yeah. Omg, iapos;m so excited for homecoming its in 5 days. Iapos;m all set for a dress and shoes i just have to wait for it to come. And i have my makeup being done, my nails. I just need to buy or ozzy needs to buy the tickets and he has to ask me. Anyways, iapos;m really tired. I just hope that i didnapos;t miss out on anything big at school, nah i donapos;t think i did. But oh i watched The Hills and omg its juicy good. Ha. I like sayig that. But its good, i seriously think that she should be with corey cause heapos;s way better than that hobo justin bobby. But yeah. Well iapos;m tired. K Bye.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

daily sun wheaton

Ben�ran his finger tip--pressed pink�against the paper--harshly downwards, saying to Rory,

"everything you do to one side you do to the other. Youapos;ve got to fold it like you mean it."

The breeze was strong today--and with a little skill, you could easily throw a paper airplane twenty yards
across the interstate--where cars whizzed by like bullets beneath spectatorapos;s feet.

"Iapos;m going to aim for a windshield," Rory sneered impishly
Rory had built a dart plane--known for itapos;s precise strafe.

Ben, who was a little less of a hellian, quietly disapproved and continued working on his plane--a glider.

Rory leaned over the wall and threw his plane, as if he were Zeus himself; hurling a lightning bolt down to Earth.
It connected--with a smack--�like a bullet, dead-center into the windshield of a humongous truck, barreling down the highway
like a freight train.

The driver was a thirty-six year old man named Edward--only most people called him "Ed," or "Big Red Ed,"
on the count of his temper, and how itapos;d cause him to turn red--bright red, like a fire engine, lighting his bright yellow
eyebrows, mustache and beard up like fireworks; a large, coiling vein pertruding from his brow.

"Leapinapos; Christ" Ed screamed, thinking the destroyed aircraft in front of him was in fact a squashed pigeon,
he jammed on the breaks and tugged on the wheel, setting the vehicle into a careening fishtail.

"Oh, shit" Rory squealed, bringing his hands over his mouth, realizing what heapos;d done.

Ben watched as Edapos;s truck slammed into the side of an milk-mobile--before being reemed by another car behind him.
There followed a cacophonous din of�screeching tires, shattered glass, and blaring horns loud enough to shatter your ear drums.

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doraville ga

This is the first entry for my new journal.� I guess to start I should put this information from my bio on here to explain what I am doing and why I want to keep a blog.� Over the last year and a half I have been confronting and dealing with my anxiety issues, and this therapy has helped me see that I pretty much had pushed myself to the boundary of sane/insane.� It wasnrsquo;t a great place to be, and when I had my nervous break down I couldnrsquo;t have gotten any closer to the ldquo;insanerdquo; side of my being if I tried.� But since then itrsquo;s gotten better; each day I can see that boundary of sane and the place where I donrsquo;t want to go.� Itrsquo;s good I suppose in that it helps me put things into perspective, yet Irsquo;d like to more frequently live my life further and further back from that line.� After talking with some friends I decided that maybe a blog where I can go to vent and reflect would be a cathartic form of therapy; at the very least it will help me see where I am in relation to where I want to be.� So after two to three years preceding my break down, of me not being me, I can say that Irsquo;m better.� Irsquo;ve made progress, but there is still much to be done.� And now you, my dear one, can see how things unfold in real time, just like me.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

battery operated clock mechanisms

Joskus mun tuuri iskee p�in naamaa ja asiat sattuu just liian yht�aikaisesti.
Kultani on matkalla yhteisen� merkkip�iv�n�mme, tosin onneksi h�n ehtii tulla sielt� takaisin ennen iltamy�h�.
Ja satun olemaan rippileirill� sin� jumalten meille suomana p�iv�n� jolloin Metallica tulee Suomeen. Ja sattumalta t�m� toinen keikkap�iv� sattuu olemaan viimeinen leirip�iv�ni. Pit� pyyt� joku erityislupa ett� voin l�hte� 14. P�iv� pois ett� ehdin keikalle =)
Mieluummin n�en Metallican kuin p�sen ripille...

Sellainenkin asia mietitytt�� ett� kuka urpo keksi sen ett�loma voi loppua... Turpaan sellaiselle...
Historian ja saksan (asdlol) kokeet on ens viikolla...

Koiralta leikeltiin varvas pois eilen. Joko (joskin hyvin ep�todenn�k�isesti) se on kasvain, luutulehdus tai sit nivelsiteet on paskana. T�n�n uudelleen lekurille kun meinas l�hte� tikit suojasiteen mukana pois.
Sovitaan ett� tuo otus paranee...

Haistakaa paska koko valtiovalta...

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camber shim

Wholesale copied from Wil Wheaton.

"i donapos;t know what iapos;m to say, iapos;ll say it anyway
If you are of a certain age, there are probably three seminal music videos that blew your mind at one point in your life: Money for Nothing, You Might Think, and Take on Me.

(Sigh. Okay, fine, and the extended version of Thriller. At least Iapos;ll admit it. Shut up.)

Anyway, my friend Jun (who is also of a certain age) sent me this literal version of Ah-Haapos;s Take On Me yesterday. I was amused, and thought Iapos;d share.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

colonial williamsburg tourism

[12:09] Midelne: Today for my insanity break I modified a vbscript and then hooked it up to the task scheduler six times. Now it emails my boss with the subject line "Location Change" and a message body indicating that Iapos;m either walking out to my car, getting a drink of water, or throwing some trash away, interspersed with messages indicating that Iapos;ve returned from said activity, all repeating in a half-hour cycle.
[12:09] Midelne: Just to ensure that I didnapos;t go overboard, it only runs between 11AM-6PM. Wouldnapos;t want to completely fill up his inbox.
[12:11] plainwhitecow: Iapos;m laughing
[12:11] plainwhitecow: thatapos;s so great
[12:11] plainwhitecow: your script
[12:12] Midelne: Fucker shouldnapos;t have asked me to update him every time I left the building.

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